Existing Conditions Reports

These reports were developed by the consultant team to support City Staff, residents, and stakeholders in developing a baseline understanding of the existing conditions in Culver City. The baseline of information presented in these reports, and in an accompanying educational forum video series  published in Summer and Fall 2020, were used to develop land use and policy alternatives for the General Plan Update.

COVID-19 and the Culver City General Plan Update Existing Conditions Reports - The analyses for the reports were completed in late 2019 and early 2020, as such, they do not reflect the sudden and wide-reaching impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Culver City. Each report has been updated with a memo explaining this limitation, click here to download a standalone copy of the memo.

Mobility and Transportation - Provides a summary of the transportation system in Culver City, including the roadway network, public transit systems, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and emerging transportation technology.

Socioeconomic Profile and Market Analysis - Evaluates trends and conditions in the Culver City economy to anticipate future development potential and inform its planning process, and is laid out in three sections: Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile; Real Estate Market Analysis; and Fiscal Health Assessment.

Land Use and Community Design - Describes existing land uses in Culver City, land use regulations, growth projections, development projects, and overall character and design of the city, neighborhoods, and corridors.

Environmental Background Report - Discusses existing environmental conditions in Culver City, including noise, water resources and quality, biological resources, cultural resources, and hazards.

Housing Element - Provides a summary of population, household, and housing inventory and market characteristics to guide the Housing Element update. It includes analyses on housing affordability gaps and assistance needs for cost-burdened households, overcrowded households, and special needs groups.

Arts, Culture, & Creative Economy - Describes Culver City’s historic development as a creative industry hub and takes inventory of assets, policies, and programming that exist today.

  • Cultural Case Studies - Summary of findings form nationwide scan of cities with constructive policies or tactics for supporting arts and culture. Prepared as a supplement to the Arts, Culture, & Creative Economy report.

Parks, Public Facilities, and Public Services - Describes key public services and facilities— such as parks, fire protection, emergency services, schools, government facilities, and civic and cultural facilities— that Culver City provides to residents.

Infrastructure - Evaluates the network of utilities that protect and provide for the community, including water, storm water, electricity, natural gas, and other infrastructure systems.

Smart Cities - Describes smart city practices and emerging methods the City could consider implementing as part of the GPU update.

Climate Hazards - Provides an overview of historical and projected trends for climate hazards within Culver City, summarizing the best available data for temperature and precipitation change, urban flooding, extreme heat, drought, air quality, and the nature, frequency, and magnitude of the hazards in the region.

Community Health and Environmental Justice - Presents the preliminary findings of the Senate Bill 1000 (SB 1000 or “Planning for Healthy Communities Act”) environmental justice and community health screening. Includes identification of SB 1000 Priority Neighborhoods and key health conditions that may be addressed through the adoption of an environmental justice element in the General Plan.

2019 Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory - Presents an inventory of community-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Culver City in 2019 and is intended to help with identification of cost-effective GHG-reduction strategies in policy areas over which the City has significant influence.

2019 Municipal Greenhouse Gas Inventory - Provides an inventory of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for municipal operations in 2019 and is intended to help with identification of cost-effective GHG-reduction strategies in policy areas over which the City has considerable influence.


Existing Conditions Videos

Click on the image or link below to see the videos produced for each topic.


The following fact sheets were developed by the consultant team to illustrate a snapshot of current conditions in Culver City. These fact sheets highlight key maps, data, and takeaways from the existing conditions reports. The factsheets below cover an array of topics, ranging from land use and transportation to parks and arts and culture.



Reimagining Public Safety in Culver City: Community Survey Results - Culver City commenced a Public Safety Review Process in response to numerous community requests to review the Culver City Police Department budget and use of force policies. The process included a community survey, summarized in this report, to identify issues and priorities related to policing and public safety in Culver City.