Public Review Draft General Plan


The General Plan is intended as the City’s primary guide for land use decisions and is a key tool for shaping and improving the quality of life for residents. The Plan reflects the community’s vision for the future, input gathered in dozens of community engagement activities, and technical analysis performed since 2019.

The General Plan Land Use Map, linked on the right, implements the land use vision for the city. The Land Use Designations, along with the Zoning Districts, identify allowed uses and development intensity for each parcel of land. They focus broadly on future growth and physical development as opposed to what is on the ground today. 

The Public Draft General Plan covers a variety of important topics through the year 2045, including land use, transportation, environmental justice, and more. To implement the vision, the Plan sets forth a comprehensive set of goals, policies, and actions for the City to undertake.

The Public Draft General Plan was available for review and comment by the community through November 30, 2023. Community members could provide comments via a comment form on this page, by attending community events related to the release of the Public Draft General Plan, or by contacting City staff. Please see the “Calendar and Events” page to learn about events related to the release of the Plan and view materials prepared for these meetings.

If you have any questions about the Public Draft General Plan, please feel to contact the Advance Planning Division by writing

Public REVIEW Draft General Plan COMMENT TABLE

The City reviewed comments received on the Public Review Draft General Plan and determined recommended changes to include in the Final General Plan for Planning Commission and City Council consideration. The Comment Table (first link below) tracks all comments received, associated Element and page number, and City responses to comments. The Comment Table Summary (second link below) explains the purpose of the Comment Table, how input was received, and how to review the Comment Table. The final, revised General Plan will be presented to City Council for adoption later in 2024.

Engagement Summary Report

This document summarizes the results of feedback received from the community on the Public Draft General Plan from September 29 through November 30, 2023. All feedback received is recorded in the Comment Table.